The three published books have their own pages that can be found on the drop-down menu at the top of this page. This page contains details of the Kindle books I have released. These were mainly experiments to see how the Kindle format works, so the work is not of the standard of the published books. 


Can you imagine having your childhood disrupted by war? How would you feel if you lived under the threat of bombing, or you were taking away from your family to a strange place with unfamiliar people? Could you understand the fear of worry as you waited for you father, uncle, brother to return home from fighting overseas? or the chill down your spine as you sat in another part of the country and thought of loved ones and friends who were back home facing the bombs? Children had it tough during WW2. Some enjoyed it and found happy times and places. Sadly, for others it was a horrific experience filled with sadness. This book is produced from stories that I collected during research. The best way to describe such times is through the people who were there. This is their story. This is their words.

Kindle version only: proceeds donated to a mental health charity.


This short book came about from the simple reason of having to clear out my laptop files. I had a number of stories on there that I had researched and instead of losing them I decided I would put them together in a book and try and make a charity some money from it. The book is called ‘Liverpool Bits and Bobs’ as basically that is what is in it, bits and bobs of things that I had saved. Hopefully we will have a bit of fun with it and readers may find some of the items that I have included interesting. If you have purchased this book then let me say Thank You, for you have donated to a wonderful charity that helps so many people. All monies made from sales of this book is being donated to the Liverpool based charity 'The Isabella Trust' who provide support to parents and carers of children with autistic spectrum condition (ASC) and sensory processing difficulties (SPD).

Kindle version only


It is what it says on the cover. 'A Very Silly Beatles Book' nothing to take serious, just a bit of fun imagining what life may have been like for the fab four had they not become world famous. I wrote this in one day and to be honest the grammar is as you would expect. However, it has made a small amount of money for a mental health charity, so it stays. It is short, it is cheap, and it is my guest.

Kindle version only


Follow the story of an Everton fan from a boy to a man. Through the incredible high's, and desperate low's. Read stories, many humorous, from in front, and behind the scenes of a football stadium. When time allows this book will be updated.

Available on kindle and in print


The mind can control, and it certainly took over Anthony Hogan. For forty-years he struggled to make sense of who he really was as the demons within his head tormented his thought process. Anthony was living with undiagnosed OCD that convinced him that he was crazy, evil, and worthless. This short story will offer the reader an insight into his world, mental issues, his violent mother, bullying peers, and the coping strategies that he applied as a protection. Emotional and difficult to read at times, but a must for anyone with a connection to OCD.

This book is currently unavailable. It sold pretty well in kindle and printed version before I removed it from the market. Three separate publishers have contacted me requesting that I write a longer version of the book for publication. I am still undecided if this is the road that I would like to take, so I have removed the book while I decide my actions